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Hornsea Nursery School

“Where children come first and everything we do must reflect this single goal.”

We are an Ofsted rated OUTSTANDING Nursery School. Apply now for your child's place. If you require paper copies of any of the documents on the website, please contact the office. We provide copies free of charge.
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Welcome to

Hornsea Nursery School

“Where children come first and everything we do must reflect this single goal.”

Early Years Pupil Premium

If we get the early years right, we pave the way for a lifetime of achievement. If we get them wrong, we miss a unique opportunity to shape a child’s future.’

Unknown children – destined for disadvantage? Sir Michael Wilshaw: July 2015








Disadvantage Champion - Claire White & Sarah High

Disadvantage Governor - John Whittle


We believe a core purpose of a nursery school is to give every child the best opportunity to succeed.  In order to achieve this we recognise the:

  1. Importance of parental engagement and participation.
  2. Importance of quality interactions.
  3. Need for well-informed staff.
  4. Need for constructive environment to facilitate learning.
  5. Outside environment versus the inside environment.
  6. Need for simple planning based on learning, not activities.


We support Macleod et al (2015) seven building blocks to success.

1. We promote an ethos of attainment for all children, rather than stereotyping disadvantaged children as a group with less potential to succeed.

2. We have an individualised approach to addressing barriers to learning and emotional support, at an early stage.

3. We focus on high quality teaching first.

4. We focus on outcomes for individual children rather than on providing strategies.

5. We deploy the best staff to support disadvantaged children; develop skills and roles of teachers and Leaders of Learning.

6. We make decisions based on data and respond to evidence, using frequent, rather than one-off assessment and decision points.

7. We have clear, responsive leadership: setting ever higher aspirations and devolving responsibility for raising attainment to all staff, rather than accepting low aspirations and variable performance.

EYPP Strategy 2024-2025
