The Yurt was erected in Autumn 2018.
The excitement grew for the children over a few weeks with the installation of the foundations and the discussion about what would appear.
‘I think there will be a helicopter, like in that story where all the vegetables drop from the sky’.
The children were excited to have a home for their group and while waiting they would ask;
‘Is our house ready yet?’
The presence of Father Christmas in the Yurt at Festive Forest School added to the magic of this unique learning space
‘This is our house it must be special because Santa came to visit’
‘Look he left us some magic lights’.
The Yurt is a special space where children feel a connection with nature from noticing changes in the weather to growing plants.
Children come first in everything we do and their voices illustrate how magical the yurt is and what it means to them.
‘I love to lie down and look at the sky’
‘I like the quiet’
‘I feel happy’
‘I like the sound of the rain’
‘We can’t clean the Dome that’s where our friend the spider lives he is so clever look what he has made’
‘It’s nice and cosy’
‘I like our round house’
The resources inside the yurt promote inquiry based learning. Children achieve their next steps in learning through tailored provision nothing is out by accident. The provision changes in order to meet the individual needs of the children.