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Hornsea Nursery School

“Where children come first and everything we do must reflect this single goal.”

We are an Ofsted rated OUTSTANDING Nursery School. Apply now for your child's place. If you require paper copies of any of the documents on the website, please contact the office. We provide copies free of charge.
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Hornsea Nursery School

“Where children come first and everything we do must reflect this single goal.”

Spring 2019

Spring brought with it some welcome relief from the cold and windy winter. Children returned from the Christmas Break full of eagerness to see how their outdoor classroom was beginning to change. The first half of the term also saw new children join the Outdoor Nursery class with warm welcomes all-round, and hot chocolates all-round too! New friendships were forged and the new children were soon shown all the magic that could be found in the forest! 


Seeds were sewn and children excitedly checked back each day to see if there was any sign of new growth, and what a relief for Miss Hegarty and Miss High when little shoots of green started to appear! Slowly the exisiting foliage began to thicken and the canopy of the trees began to fill out. Soon the Children were immersed in a totally different landscape than that of the Winter term.


With the fire circle still a firm favourite for those home cooked snacks and warm drinks, children also started to make use of the additional resources. A hammock provided a much needed (and rather enjoyable) rest space, what fun the children had figuring out how to work together to get inside safely without it spinning around!


All in all the children and staff have had a wonderful term exploring new growth in the outdoors as well as 'bug spotting' for those signs of new life - butterflies, creepy crawlies and the lovely sound of birdsong have burst into the forest.



Please check under the 'what will your child do? - Picture Gallery' tab to see some wonderful pictures of the children's experiences. 


Be sure to check back soon for more updates
